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New Project Introduction (Abbr. NPI). PRSE provides NPI by combining efforts from Central Engineering with individual factory product introduction and tracking. Our global technology network of engineering teams assist you with Design for Manufacturability (Abbr. DFM) reviews, stack-up analysis and release tooling to production lines. 

Being our customer, you will have access to a full range of NPI services which mirrors every aspect of mass production capabilities. We have ability to design, innovate new process, provide materials solutions and build first articles for your new product testing and validation. This is a world-class strength. 

Because NPI is an essential part to your success, it is a top priority for PRSE business and new technology applications. We always allocate a portion of each factory’s capacity for NPI so that your product is built in qualified mass production lines and also it's scale-up needs, costs, etc. are well understood before launch.


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